Andy Croft has contributed reviews and short articles to many publications, including the Camden New Journal, the Clarion, the Creel, Critical Survey, Hard Times, Labour History Review, Labour Monthly, Literature and History, the Listener, the Guardian, the Independent, the London Magazine, Marxism Today, New Socialist, the New Statesman, New Times, the North, the Northern Echo, Northern Review, North West Labour History, Penniless Press, PN Review, Poetry Review, Prop, Red Letters, Red Pepper Scratch, 7 Days, Thumbscrew and the TES.
He has written for the Dictionary of Labour Biography and the New Dictionary of National Biography and is on the editorial board of Socialist History.
He has also written Introductions to reprints of long-lost radical classics, notably Walter Brierley's Means Test Man (Spokesman Press, 1983), Harold Heslop's Last Cage Down (Lawrence and Wishart, 1984), John Sommerfield's May Day (Lawrence and Wishart, 1984), Harold Helop's Out of the Old Earth (edited with Graeme Rigby, Bloodaxe, 1994), and Frank Griffin's October Day (Five Leaves, 2011).
A new edition of Comrade Heart (2003), expanded to include recently released MI5 files on Swingler.
Routledge, 2020
Price: £34.99
ISBN: 9780367344764
Twenty years after the demise of the Communist Party of Great Britain, eight former members who stayed in until the end, consider the consequences of the CP's dissolution for British political and intellectual life
Lawrence and Wishart
Price: £15
ISBN: 9781907103476
A study of Randall Swingler's Second World War poetry.
Cecil Woolf Publishing, 2008
Price: £7
ISBN: 9781897967362
The first biography of the poet, publisher, critic and novelist Randall Swingler.
Manchester University Press, 2003
Price: £45
ISBN: 9780719063343
A selection of poems by the radical poet Randall Swingler (1909-67).
Trent Editions, 2000
Price: £7.99
ISBN: 9781842330142
Essays on the cultural history of the Communist Party of Great Britain.
Pluto Press, 1998
Price: £14.99
ISBN: 9780745312095
A study of the impact of the Popular Front on 1930s.British novelists.
Lawrence and Wishart, 1990
Price: £19.95
ISBN: 0853157294
'Animal Magic', Zone Sensible (Paris), 2017
'Interview about Plagiarism in Poetry', The Argotist, 2016 - View »
'The Privatisation of Poetry', Culture Matters, 2015 - View »
'Jack Lindsay, Rising Tide' in Andrew Whitehead and Jerry White (eds) London Fictions, 2013
'‘Dreadfully Old-Fashioned: On Tradition and Commitment in Political Poetry' Interview' in Uwe Klawitter and Claus-Ullrich Viol (eds) Contemporary Political Poetry in Britain and Ireland, (Anglistik & Englischunterricht, 2013)
'Poetry and Magic', Concept and Culture (University of Kemerovo, 2012)
'Anyone Can Do That', Journal of Nordic Studies, 2012 - View »
'How the Spartans Stole the Bones of Orestes: the Poetry of Yiannis Ritsos in the Twenty-first Century', Communist Review, Winter 2011
'Writing in the Snow', Ross Bradshaw (ed) Maps (Five Leaves, 2011)
'A Writer for Every Tick of My Watch: a History of Writing on Teesside', Claire Malcolm and Stevie Ronnie (ed) Fix the Moment (New Writing North, 2010) - View »
'Three Men on the Metro: Or Translating What You Don't Understand', Concept and Culture (University of Kemerovo, 2010)
'A Man of Communist Appearance: Randall Swingler and MI5', Socialist History 37, Winter 2010 - View »
'Their Cookery from Paris and Their Opinions from Moscow: Writers and the CPGB', Communisme 87, 2006 - View »
'Tatyana's Bananas: The Pushkin Sonnet in English', Concept and Culture (University of Kemerovo, 2008)
'A Sack of Potatoes or Freedom Fries? Orwell in the Twenty-first Century', Socialist History 26 Spring 2005
'Excluded' in Mandy Coe and Jean Sprackland (eds) Our Thoughts are Bees: Writers Working with Schools (Wordplay Press, 2005)
'The Ralph Fox Group' in Antony Shuttleworth (ed) And In Our Time: Vision, Revision and British Writing of the 1930s (Bucknell University Press, 2003)
'Magic, Mimesis and Middlesbrough' in Mark Robinson (ed) Words Out Loud, (Stride, 2002)
'Mapless in the Wilderness: Randall Swingler in 1956', Socialist History 19, Spring 2001
'The Cartography of Despair: Randall Swingler's The Map', Textual Practice 15(2) 2001
'The Young Men Are Moving Together: the Case of Randall Swingler' in John McIlroy and Kevin Morgan (eds) Party People: Communist Lives (Lawrence and Wishart, 2001)
'Fire and Horror : the Representation of Teesside in Fiction' in Gustav Klaus and Steven Knight (eds) Industrial Fictions (University of Wales Press, 2000)
'The Best of Corporals: the Italian Campaign in the Poetry of Randall Swingler', London Magazine October/November 1998
'Politics and Beauty: the Poetry of Randall Swingler' in Keith Williams and Steve Matthews (eds) Re-writing the Thirties (Longmans, 1997)
'Walthamstow, Little Gidding and Middlesbrough: Edward Thompson the Literature Tutor' in Richard Taylor (ed) Beyond the Walls: Fifty Years of Adult and Continuing Education at the University of Leeds, 1946-1996 (Leeds Studies in Continuing Education, 1996)
'Authors Take Sides: Writers and the Communist Party, 1920-1956' in Kevin Morgan, Nina Fishman and Geoff Andrews (eds) Opening the Books: New Perspectives in the History of British Communism (Pluto Press, 1995)
'The End of Socialist Realism: Margot Heinemann's The Adventurers' in Mary Joannou and David Margolies (eds) Heart of a Heartless World: Essays on Culture & Commitment in Memory of Margot Heinemann (Pluto Press, 1995)
'Walthamstow, Little Gidding and Middlesbrough: Edward Thompson, Adult Education and Literature', Socialist History no 8, 1995
'Betrayed Spring: the 1945 Labour Government and British Literary Culture' in Jim Fyrth (ed) Culture and Society in Labour Britain 1945-51 (Lawrence and Wishart, 1995)
'Through the Wall: Adult Education, Social Change & New University Subjects' (with Rebecca O'Rourke) in Paul Armstrong, Barry Bright and Miriam Zukas (eds) Reflecting on Changing Practices, Contexts & Identities (SCUTREA, 1994)
'Writers, the Communist Party and the Battle of Ideas 1945-1950', Socialist History no 5 1994
'Ethel Mannin: The Red Rose of Love and the Flower of Liberty' in Angela Ingram and Daphne Patai (eds) Rediscovering Forgotten Radicals: British Women Writers, 1889-1939 (University of North Carolina Press, 1993)
'New Forms Now: Experimental Fiction on the Left in the 1930s' in Hanna Behrend and Isolde Neubert (ed) Studies in British Feminist and Working-class Literature, (Zenstralle fur Lehr und Organisationsmittel des Ministeriums fur Bildung und Wissenschaft, Zwickau, 1990)
'A Hole Like That: the Literary Representation of Cleveland', Bulletin of the Cleveland and Teesside Local History Society, vol 58, Spring 1990
'Proletarian Literature in the 1930s: from Anti-intellectualism to Anti-Fascism', Labour History Review, vol 55 part 1 1990
'Major Miner Writers and the British Left Between the Wars' in Hanna Behrend et al (eds) Working-class Literature in Britain and Ireland in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries (Humboldt University, 1986)
'Jack Hilton – Proletarian Novelist' in The Itch of Class: Essays in Memory of Jack Hilton edited by Clive Fleay, Middlesex Polytechnic History Journal vol II No I Spring 1985
'Forward to the 1930s: Literary History and Anamnesis' in Malcolm Chase and Christopher Shaw (ed) The Imagined Past: History and Nostalgia, (Manchester University Press, 1989)
'Worlds Without End Foisted Upon the Future: Some Antecedents to Nineteen Eighty-Four' in Christopher Norris (ed) Inside the Myth: Orwell: Views from the Left (Lawrence and Wishart, 1984)
'Extremely Crude Propaganda? The Novels of Jack Lindsay' in Bob Mackie (ed) Jack Lindsay: the Thirties and Forties, (University of London Institute of Commonwealth Studies, Australian Studies Centre, 1984)
'Returned Volunteer: the Novels of John Sommerfield', London Magazine April/May 1983
'The Birmingham Group', London Magazine June 1983